Jurnal Vokasi Mekanika
Jurnal Vokasi Mekanika (VoMEK)en-USfebriprasetya@ft.unp.ac.id (Febri Prasetya)bulkiarahim@ft.unp.ac.id (Bulkia Rahim)Sat, 15 Feb 2025 16:26:00 +0000OJS of Padang 1 State Vocational School’s Machinery Workshop Facilities and Infrastructure
<p>This article describes issue of mechanical worshop facilities and infrastructures at Vocational High School 1 Padang, aims to evaluate the availability and feasibility of facilities and infrastructure, in order to encourage learning process of mechanical engineering. This study reviews aspects related to the adequacy of mechanical workshop’s facilities and infrastructures including the existence and condition of machine, workshop space to other supporting infrastructure linked to work productivity and safety such as wall, lighting, ventilation, and floor conditions. Descriptive quantitative method was used with data collection techniques consisting of observation, interview with workshop managers, and documentation. The result revealed 87% of the facilities were classified as operational and available to support practical activities. Total percentage of feasibility for each workshop are: 90% of the lathe workshop, 77% of the miling machine workshop, 90% of the bench workshop, and 92 % of the welding and grinding machine workshop. The maximum percentage of facility feasibilities which is 100% has not been achieved, influenced by several factors related to the damage and unavailability of several items. In infrastructure, the ventilation is of standard size; lighting is appropriate and sufficient; the wall is of limited height and filled with large machines resulting in limited space for movement; the floor of the lathe workshop is inadequate with a number of cement patches on the floor cracks. Indicating the need for repairs and upgrades to increase the percentage of feasibility to maximum.</p>Teuku Kamal Furqan, Budi Syahri, Syahril Syahril, Andre Kurniawan
http://vomek.ppj.unp.ac.id/index.php/vomek/article/view/828Sat, 31 May 2025 00:00:00 +0000Making a Workshop Animation Video In The Basic Wood Working Practice Course Of The Civil Engineering Departement
<p>Thare study discusses then making of wood workshop animation videos and live demonstrations using sketchup in basic woodworking practice courses, then destination of thare study are to decide then degree of legality testing, usefulity and normalized gain nomina. Thare studies approach takes then Studies and Development (R&D) method with then Four-D (4D) development model what consarets of 4 stages, namely Define, Design, Development, and Dareseminate. Then product was legalated by 3 matter adept, 2 media adept, and 12 students who studied then Basic Woodworking Practice course in then July-December 2024 semester. Based on then evaluation of animated video media using sketchup that has been carried out, then results of then assessment by matter adept are 0.88 what are counted in then legal category. Media expert assessment obtained a nomina of 0.82 what are counted in then legal category. Usefulity assessment obtained a nomina of 0.8996 what are counted in then very useful category. Based on then results of thare study, it can be deduce that then workshop animation video media using Sketchup are legal and useful for take in knowledge.</p>Hestika Wulandari, Syaiful Haq
http://vomek.ppj.unp.ac.id/index.php/vomek/article/view/848Sat, 31 May 2025 00:00:00 +0000The Effectiveness of the Use of Project Based Learning Models on Student Learning Outcomes in Fracturing Engineering Subjects at SMK Negeri 1 Tanjung Raya
<p>The low learning results of students when learning the Frais Technique serve as the impetus for this study. It is believed that this is because students are not actively participating in teacher-centered learning models and their learning is not at its best. The purpose of this study is to ascertain how well the Project Based Learning learning paradigm affects the learning outcomes of SMK Negeri 1 Tanjung Raya students studying framing techniques. This study employs quantitative approaches and quasi-experimental research. 40 students made up the study's sample, and they were divided into two categories: the experimental category and the control category. The research period was carried out during the academic year 2024–2025's odd semester. The findings from the analysis of the data in this research suggest that the learning model centered around projects is significantly more influential than the conventional model to improve learning outcomes, the findings of the analysis illustrate that the average post-test results of the experimental class of 75.25 are greater than the control class with an average of 63.75. Based on the results of research and discussion, quasi-experimental research on the XI grade Frais Engineering Subject at SMK Negeri 1 Tanjung Raya can be concluded that there is an effectiveness of using project-based learning models on student learning outcomes where the value of learning outcomes in groups using project-based learning models is higher than conventional models.</p>Putra Fajar Perdana, Fiki Efendi, Budi Syahri, Febri Prasetya
http://vomek.ppj.unp.ac.id/index.php/vomek/article/view/850Sat, 31 May 2025 00:00:00 +0000The Effect Of Problem Based Learning Model On Student Learning Results On The Elements Of Cost Planning And Scheduling Of Building Construction At SMK Negeri 1 Pariaman
<p> </p> <p>This lowed studied outcomes from students element a cost planning and scheduling of building construction element in choosing the PBL learning model. The researched waste make to determiner how effective the PBL studies model is in improve college studies outcoms through the elements of Cost Planning and Scheduling of Building Construction. The type of researched former attempt researched by affected tentative design form. The number of researched samples used was 45 people: 20 XI DPIB 1 students the attempt class, then 25 XI DPIB 2 the control clases. This attempt classes used Problem Based Learning (PBL) model. The researched wased carri off by giving test instrumental form of pretests with posttests. For the test of test questions, has been conducted in clases XI DPIB 2college SMKN 1 Padang within 26 respondents. This studies show that PBL can improve college studies outcomes in the matter of calculating foundation work. This averrage value student sudeis outcom attempt class was 77.95 with control classes waste 61.76. In addition, this effect hypothes testing carried out usee this Indepedent Sample t-Test tes obtain t_count> t_table or 6.038> 2.01669 then Ha is accepted. Therefore, this studied proves that PjBL model could fix the studies achievement of DPIB XI class college on the elements of the Cost Plan and Building Construction Scheduling.</p>Yunika Meicelia Putri, Henny Yustisia
http://vomek.ppj.unp.ac.id/index.php/vomek/article/view/851Sat, 31 May 2025 00:00:00 +0000