Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan Modul Pembelajaran Android berbasis proyek untuk mata pelajaran Computer Numerical Control (CNC) di SMK, memenuhi tantangan integrasi pembelajaran efektif dan relevan dengan industri. Modul ini menggunakan teknologi Android untuk meningkatkan pengalaman belajar siswa. Pendekatan berorientasi proyek membuka peluang siswa belajar kontekstual dan praktis, sesuai evolusi industri. Mata pelajaran CNC memerlukan pemahaman teknis dan keterampilan praktis menggunakan peralatan CNC canggih. Penggunaan teknologi Android dan pendekatan berorientasi proyek diharapkan menciptakan lingkungan pembelajaran kreatif, kolaboratif, dan fokus pada pemecahan masalah. Penelitian mengikuti model Instructional Developmental Institute (IDI) dengan tahapan identifikasi kebutuhan, desain, pengembangan, validasi, uji coba praktikalitas, dan implementasi. Subjek penelitian melibatkan pendidik mata pelajaran CNC di SMK Negeri 1 Padang, SMK Negeri 1 Bukittinggi, dan SMK Negeri 1 Sumatera Barat, serta beberapa dosen kontributor. Prosedur pengembangan modul mencakup tahap Define (analisis kebutuhan), Develop (perancangan modul), dan Evaluate (evaluasi validitas dan praktikalitas). Instrumen penelitian menggunakan angket dan kuesioner dari validator dan guru mata pelajaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan modul ini valid (87,33%) dan praktis (93,33%), menegaskan efektivitasnya dalam pembelajaran di SMK. Diharapkan penelitian memberikan kontribusi signifikan pada pengembangan pembelajaran vokasional. Kesimpulannya, Modul Pembelajaran Android berorientasi proyek ini layak digunakan sebagai tambahan dalam pembelajaran CNC di SMK, mengapresiasi pendekatan berorientasi proyek sebagai metode pembelajaran efektif dalam konteks CNC.
Andriani, W., Sundari, P. D., Dwiridal, L., Dewi, W. S., & Fortuna, A. (2024). Problem Based Learning in E-module as An Effort to Improve Student Learning Outcomes: A Design of Innovation in Physics Teaching Material. PAKAR Pendidikan, 22(1), 38–52.
Ayada, W., & Hammad, M. (2023). Design Quality Criteria for Smartphone Applications Interface and its Impact on User Experience and Usability. International Design Journal, 13(4), 339–354.
Azmi, Z. L., Fathurohman, A., & Marlina, L. (2022). Validity and Practicality of Student Worksheets on Waves and Sounds for Junior High School Students. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 8(4), 2058–2064.
Bai, J., & Li, H. (2019). Research on Project-driven Immersive Practical Teaching Style. International Seminar on Education Innovation and Economic Managemen, 286, 517–520.
Chandra, R., Syahril, S., Ambiyar, A., & Refdinal, R. (2023). Validity of Video Tutorials CNC/CAM for Learning in the Machining Engineering Department of Vocational High Schools. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9, 836–842.
Chen, P., Goncharova, A., Li, J., & Frommberger, D. (2024). Competence-based approaches in curricula: A comparative analysis of Russian and Chinese commercial vocational education and training programmes. Research in Comparative and International Education, 19(1), 63–90.
Deria, A., Fadilah, M., Nisa, I. K., Fortuna, A., Fajriansyah, B., Salsabila, P., Mardiansyah, R., Alika, F. A., Lismita, L., & Junita, U. (2023). Effect of Project Based Learning (PJBL) Learning Model on Creative Thinking Ability of High School Biology Students: A Literature Review. PAKAR Pendidikan, 21(1), 58–64.
Díaz, J. L. (2024). Integrating the anthropological theory of didactics in multivariate calculus education: Challenges, pedagogical shifts, and innovative activities. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 19(1), em0767.
Eliza, F., Fadli, R., Hakiki, M., Trisnawati, W., Abdulah, A., Putra, Y. I., Fauziah, F., Marind, G., & Hidayah, Y. (2023). Revolution in Engineering Education through Android-Based Learning Media for Mobile Learning: Practicality of Mobile Learning Media to Improve Electrical Measuring Skills in the Industrial Age 4.0. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 17(20), 60–75.
Güngör, G. (2020). Problems and Solution Suggestions Encountered in Vocational Skill Training in Vocational High Schools : Teachers ’ V Iews. European Journal of Education Studies, 7(4), 233–253.
Logan, R. M., Johnson, C. E., & Worsham, J. W. (2021). Development of an e-learning module to facilitate student learning and outcomes. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 16(2), 139–142.
Luh Andriyani, N., & Wayan Suniasih, N. (2021). Development of Learning Videos Based on Problem-Solving Characteristics of Animals and Their Habitats Contain in Ipa Subjects on 6th-Grade. Journal of Education Technology, 1(1), 37–47.
Luo, T., Freeman, C., & Stefaniak, J. (2020). “Like, comment, and share”—professional development through social media in higher education: A systematic review. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68(4), 1659–1683.
Muskhir, M., Luthfi, A., Julian, R., & Fortuna, A. (2023). Exploring iSpring Suite for Android-Based Interactive Instructional Media in Electrical Lighting Installation Subject. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (IJIM), 17(22), 67–84.
Paiva, T., Ribeiro, M., & Coutinho, P. (2020). R&D collaboration, competitiveness development, and open innovation in R&D. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 6(4), 1–18.
Pou, A. V., Canaleta, X., & Fonseca, D. (2022). Computational Thinking and Educational Robotics Integrated into Project-Based Learning. Sensors, 22(10), 1–21.
Prasetya, F., Fortuna, A., Samala, A. D., Fajri, B. R., Efendi, F., & Nyamapfene, A. (2023). Effectiveness of Distance Learning Computer Numerical Control Based on Virtual Laboratory Using a Metaverse Platform to Improve Students’ Cognitive Ability and Practice Skills. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (IJIM), 17(24), 4–21.
Prasetya, F., Syahri, B., Fajri, B. R., Wulansari, R. E., & Fortuna, A. (2023). Utilizing Virtual Laboratory to Improve CNC Distance Learning of Vocational Students at Higher Education. TEM Journal, 12(3), 1506–1518.
Setti, P. H. P., Canciglieri Junior, O., & Estorilio, C. C. A. (2021). Integrated product development method based on Value Engineering and design for assembly concepts. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 21, 100199.
Spector, J. M., Merrill, M. D., Elen, J., & Bishop, M. J. (2014). Handbook of research on educational communications and technology: Fourth edition. In Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology: Fourth Edition.
Sutianah, C., & Nurhutami, M. A. (2023). Implementation of BMC-based teaching and learning factory model in increasing student competencies in leather creative skills concentration and. Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi, 13(2), 169–182.
Yu, L., Fan, L., Gao, G., & Xing, Z. (2023). Project-oriented teaching of “CNC Technology” course based on applied talent cultivation. SHS Web of Conferences, 179, 02006.
Andriani, W., Sundari, P. D., Dwiridal, L., Dewi, W. S., & Fortuna, A. (2024). Problem Based Learning in E-module as An Effort to Improve Student Learning Outcomes: A Design of Innovation in Physics Teaching Material. PAKAR Pendidikan, 22(1), 38–52.
Ayada, W., & Hammad, M. (2023). Design Quality Criteria for Smartphone Applications Interface and its Impact on User Experience and Usability. International Design Journal, 13(4), 339–354.
Azmi, Z. L., Fathurohman, A., & Marlina, L. (2022). Validity and Practicality of Student Worksheets on Waves and Sounds for Junior High School Students. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 8(4), 2058–2064.
Bai, J., & Li, H. (2019). Research on Project-driven Immersive Practical Teaching Style. International Seminar on Education Innovation and Economic Managemen, 286, 517–520.
Chandra, R., Syahril, S., Ambiyar, A., & Refdinal, R. (2023). Validity of Video Tutorials CNC/CAM for Learning in the Machining Engineering Department of Vocational High Schools. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9, 836–842.
Chen, P., Goncharova, A., Li, J., & Frommberger, D. (2024). Competence-based approaches in curricula: A comparative analysis of Russian and Chinese commercial vocational education and training programmes. Research in Comparative and International Education, 19(1), 63–90.
Deria, A., Fadilah, M., Nisa, I. K., Fortuna, A., Fajriansyah, B., Salsabila, P., Mardiansyah, R., Alika, F. A., Lismita, L., & Junita, U. (2023). Effect of Project Based Learning (PJBL) Learning Model on Creative Thinking Ability of High School Biology Students: A Literature Review. PAKAR Pendidikan, 21(1), 58–64.
Díaz, J. L. (2024). Integrating the anthropological theory of didactics in multivariate calculus education: Challenges, pedagogical shifts, and innovative activities. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 19(1), em0767.
Eliza, F., Fadli, R., Hakiki, M., Trisnawati, W., Abdulah, A., Putra, Y. I., Fauziah, F., Marind, G., & Hidayah, Y. (2023). Revolution in Engineering Education through Android-Based Learning Media for Mobile Learning: Practicality of Mobile Learning Media to Improve Electrical Measuring Skills in the Industrial Age 4.0. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 17(20), 60–75.
Güngör, G. (2020). Problems and Solution Suggestions Encountered in Vocational Skill Training in Vocational High Schools : Teachers ’ V Iews. European Journal of Education Studies, 7(4), 233–253.
Logan, R. M., Johnson, C. E., & Worsham, J. W. (2021). Development of an e-learning module to facilitate student learning and outcomes. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 16(2), 139–142.
Luh Andriyani, N., & Wayan Suniasih, N. (2021). Development of Learning Videos Based on Problem-Solving Characteristics of Animals and Their Habitats Contain in Ipa Subjects on 6th-Grade. Journal of Education Technology, 1(1), 37–47.
Luo, T., Freeman, C., & Stefaniak, J. (2020). “Like, comment, and share”—professional development through social media in higher education: A systematic review. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68(4), 1659–1683.
Muskhir, M., Luthfi, A., Julian, R., & Fortuna, A. (2023). Exploring iSpring Suite for Android-Based Interactive Instructional Media in Electrical Lighting Installation Subject. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (IJIM), 17(22), 67–84.
Paiva, T., Ribeiro, M., & Coutinho, P. (2020). R&D collaboration, competitiveness development, and open innovation in R&D. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 6(4), 1–18.
Pou, A. V., Canaleta, X., & Fonseca, D. (2022). Computational Thinking and Educational Robotics Integrated into Project-Based Learning. Sensors, 22(10), 1–21.
Prasetya, F., Fortuna, A., Samala, A. D., Fajri, B. R., Efendi, F., & Nyamapfene, A. (2023). Effectiveness of Distance Learning Computer Numerical Control Based on Virtual Laboratory Using a Metaverse Platform to Improve Students’ Cognitive Ability and Practice Skills. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (IJIM), 17(24), 4–21.
Prasetya, F., Syahri, B., Fajri, B. R., Wulansari, R. E., & Fortuna, A. (2023). Utilizing Virtual Laboratory to Improve CNC Distance Learning of Vocational Students at Higher Education. TEM Journal, 12(3), 1506–1518.
Setti, P. H. P., Canciglieri Junior, O., & Estorilio, C. C. A. (2021). Integrated product development method based on Value Engineering and design for assembly concepts. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 21, 100199.
Spector, J. M., Merrill, M. D., Elen, J., & Bishop, M. J. (2014). Handbook of research on educational communications and technology: Fourth edition. In Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology: Fourth Edition.
Sutianah, C., & Nurhutami, M. A. (2023). Implementation of BMC-based teaching and learning factory model in increasing student competencies in leather creative skills concentration and. Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi, 13(2), 169–182.
Yu, L., Fan, L., Gao, G., & Xing, Z. (2023). Project-oriented teaching of “CNC Technology” course based on applied talent cultivation. SHS Web of Conferences, 179, 02006.
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